Reintroducing local flora and fauna / We count on nature to fight plagues



Plagues suppose a problem caused by wide monocrop extensions. The way how to deal with them is an issue we have paid attention to since 2008. We started by a research programme about monitoring and control, based on the reintroduction of natural predator species which feed on the plant parasites. The results have concluded with the development of an Integrated Pest Management System so far, where good farming practices are combined with biological fight and chemical treatments.
This system has achieved a decrease of the use of phytosanitary products in a 20%, and has also contributed to the development of local biodiversity.


Most of our fields are on the high Guadiana River meadows, close to natural reserves, as Cornalvo Natural Park.
We promote local biodiversity in collaboration with institutions such as SEO/BirdLife, GlobalNature and the local company Navisa, reintroducing local flora and fauna in a natural way into our fields.

Making local fauna feel comfortable in our farms helps plague control, pollination or composting. It simply allows the crops fields to be a nicer place to live. You will find some abstracts about our Biodiversity Project below: